Opening of the multi-sport park training circuit

Wednesday, September 30, 2009 – Ville de Deux-Montagnes announced at a press briefing that phase II of the polyvalente Deux-Montagnes Park has now been completed. To mark the official opening and inaugurate the facilities, the event took place on the training circuit, where guests were encouraged to try out the different training stations.

Phase II consists of a one-kilometre course and 10 training stations. The exercise equipment was specifically designed to match the physical abilities of sports enthusiasts, young people and seniors alike. “There is a growing need for exercise in our daily lives, so we wanted to offer our citizens a multi-purpose circuit that would be suitable for everyone, because a healthy city requires a healthy populace,” said Mayor Marc Lauzon.

The quality and accessibility of the facilities will help promote a lifestyle oriented toward outdoor activities and physical exercise. “With these facilities close at hand, I’m sure that many citizens, athletes, families, young and not-so-young people will take advantage of this opportunity to become more active and devote a bit more time to physical activity,” he added.

In the summer the circuit will feature the track, for running and walking, and the 10 training stations, while in winter, a skating trail will be set up, thus allowing year-round use of the multi-sport park.

This innovative project, thought up by a citizen, is one of the first of its kind in Quebec. Phases I and II of the multi-sport park benefited from a $1.2 million grant from the ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport under the Programme de soutien aux installations sportives et récréatives of the Fonds pour le développement du sport et de l’activité physique.

The city undertook this initiative to meet the needs of all Ville de Deux-Montagnes people in all age groups. Beginning now, children, teenagers, parents, sports enthusiasts, community groups and seniors are encouraged to keep fit and take advantage of these top quality facilities.