Archive May 2017 - December 2017

New Year's Eve at The Heritage
On Sunday December 31st starting at 8pm, the Heritage Social club will be putting on a New Year's Eve Party. Brian Snell will be the Disc Jockey for the evening. A midnight buffet will be served to bring in the new year. Tickets are $20 and must be purchas
ed in advance. You can contact the Heritage for tickets at 450 473 5429. Details here.

A Google Map Mystery Solved
Last summer I drove down a road I hadn't been on in a while near St-Hermas. I remembered that over 40 years ago, there was a old quarry there that we used to jump off the cliffs. It is long gone but the memories are still there. I looked it up on the map and as I was writing my story, I may have solved the mystery. Although,
I might have opened a new can of worms or worm like structures. If you have ever been to the 'pit', you might enjoy my little sleuthing story by clicking here.

4 Korners Presents ViActive

ViActive is a multi-level exercise program designed by health professionals and kinesiologists.
Viactive is perfect for people 50 years and up who want to remain active. It gets your heart pumping and the group atmosphere gets people to return every week, explains Stephanie Helmer, 4 Korners’ Executive Director. And the program is free.
The movements used in the program increase and maintain the body’s mobility, resistance and strength while taking into account the mobility concerns of each participant. The hour-long classes are fluid, with the movements being gently presented in no particular order and subject to change according to the group’s suggestions and needs. The goal is simply to move to music, and to enjoy an hour strengthening one’s body along with like-minded people who want to remain physically independent as long as possible.

Classes begin Monday, January 15, 2018, for eight (8) consecutive weeks from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Salle Annette-Savoie, Deux-Montagnes

To register, please contact 4 Korners at 450-974-3940 or
You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. 4 Korners strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. Click here for the poster.

Blood Drive -This Tuesday December 12

The 'Régie du Lac des Deux-Montagnes' is organizing a blood drive on Tuesday December 12th from 1:30pm to 7:30pm. The location is Veterans' Hall at 141 Grand Moulin. Their objective is 85 donations. Please consider giving this valuable resource as it is always better to give than to receive.


Lions Club Christmas Cake Sale
An important fundraiser for the Lions Club is the annual sale of their Christmas fruit cakes. They will be on site at Place St-Eustache during shopping hours on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday for the next two weeks. If you can't make to St-Eustache, there some for sale on the shelves of the IGA in Two-Mountains. The cakes make a great gift that turns into another gift as the Lions provide wheelchairs, walkers and canes free for the community. Internationally, one of the many Lions initiatives is providing eye health and care for millions around the world to help reduce preventable blindness and vision impairment.

Click here for Photos Of Santa Claus Parade And Here to see the Video.

Rumours Surrounding the Food Drive
There is a rumour going around that there will not be enough food for the Christmas baskets. One of the rumours is that only 50 baskets will be able to be delivered when the usual basket count is over 300. Actually, the 'normal' number of families that receive a basket is around 220. There was a shortage of food collected on November 26th due to a lack of volunteers, however people have responded since and dropped off more food to make up for the shortage. It was confirmed this morning (Dec 4th) that there will be enough food to fill all the requested baskets. Dépannage St-Agapit could still use some non-perishables over the next few days to 'beef' up the baskets but rest assured that the community has come through once again to help needy families for the coming holiday season. 

Update on the Christmas Food Drive
Due to a lack of volunteers, some sections of the city were not visited for collect for the food drive. This has created a shortage in food. If you want to give some non-perishable food, you may drop it off at the Maison du Citoyen, at the library and in the boxes provided at church during your next visit. You may also contribute money by visiting their website by clicking here.

Dépannage Saint-Agapit  Food Drive for the Christmas Baskets
People will be visiting houses in Two-Mountains on Sunday November 26 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. If you would like to volunteer to drive or accompany a driver you are welcome at the Holy Family hall at 12.45pm. The food is for our community. Cash or cheque donations are also accepted.
If you are not home when the volunteers will come please leave your donation by your front door.
Registration to receive food baskets is Monday November 27th to Friday December 1st from 9:00am to 11:10am and 1:00pm to 4:00pm at the Maison du Citoyen 202 Henri Dunant. To visit their website or make a donation, please click here.

4Korners Offers First Aid Course - Postponed
Will be rescheduled as there is quite a demand for it.

Blast from the past
Thanks to Rick McKnight

Time Is Not On Our Sides

With Oka Road reopening soon after months of roadwork, you will be able to drive by city hall once again. If you have time but don't know the time don't rely on the Little Ben clock to tell you the correct time. The three faced clock installed during the Benoit Forget administration has not been very good at keeping the correct time. The picture(s) on the right were taken at 1:45pm which is the time displayed on the west face of the clock. The south face was displaying 10:05 and the east face was at 4:10. For as long as I can remember there has been problems with this clock. It didn't help that someone in a car knocked it down a few years ago. There is probably not a cheap solution to fixing this and I am sure extreme weather doesn't help keep the mechanism(s) going like clockwork, but what can be done to fix this. It was a nice addition to the architecture of the 1931 building but it would be nice if it worked. Of course, no one needs clocks anymore as their heads are entranced by their cell phones which almost always display the time on top.
If you are ever in Europe, you will see many old clocks are on steeples as this was very important since not many people had time pieces. I am always amazed that these clocks are always set to the right time. Some are hundreds of years old and are still running perfectly (with maintenance, I trust). At least two of our clocks are correct twice a day.

4 Korners Presents Free Kids Paint Night
On Monday November 20th from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, 4korners is hosting a FREE kids paint night. They provide the paint and canvas, all you need is a sense of fun and creativity. Rigister by calling 450 974 3940 or emailing Click here for the poster.

Lions Club Corned Beef and Cabbage Fundraiser
The Deux-Montagnes Lions Club's corned beef and cabbage dinner is back by popular demand. It is happening on Saturday November 25th at the Veterans' Hall, 141 Grand Moulin. The cost of the supper is $20 and is open to the entire community that is so generously served by the Lions. After a successful book fair, this fundraiser is still required as much of the equipment stored in the Lions' Den was lost to the spring floods.
The doors open at 6:30pm and there will be a cash bar. For information and tickets contact: Lion Gil Docherty at 450-473-0490.

On the subject of flooding, the Lions lost a lot of equipment, many wheelchairs, walkers and other equipment that they use in their operations were destroyed. If you have any wheelchairs or walkers littering up your house, the Lions will be pleased to accept this donation.

4Korners Caregiver Luncheon
Beginning the week of November 13th, the 4korners Family Resource Center will offer a FREE 6-week program for caregivers. Learn about community resources and enjoy a lunch. The program runs for 2 hours a week for 6 weeks. For information or registration please contact 450-974-3940 or email Please click here for the poster.



Clean Sweep For Denis Martin's Team

Denis Martin's Deux-Montagnes Autrement team won every district and the mayoral race in a landslide victory in November 5th's municipal election. Mr. Martin took 72% of the vote while runner up Isabelle Daviau took 21% leaving Didier Maletto-Rock with a mere 7%. The tightest race was in district #2 (du lac) with Eric Johnson taking the 3 way race with 52% of the vote. The largest margin was in district #4 (de la Gare) where Frederic Bethiaume won it with 85% of the votes in the 2 way race with Benjamin Laplatte. You can see all the results by clicking here.

The entire team with family and friends were at the Heritage Social Club watching the results as they trickled in. It seemed obvious fairly early in the evening that the team was going to stay intact on the council but they waited until the final numbers to celebrate their victory.
Congratulations to the entire team on their success in this election.
There is a sad trend happening in Deux-Montagnes however. After looking at detailed numbers of the past 4 municipal elections, complacency is apparent. The voter turnout rate has been constantly declining over that period. Yesterday's participation was only 41.9% a decline of almost 5% from 2013 and over 10% from 12 years ago. The box below shows the trend of people too busy or not caring about what goes on in their own backyard. In comparison, the voter turnout for the area in the 2014 provincial election was 74.45%. At the federal level, Quebec's voter turnout rate in the October 2015 was 67.3%. Complacency in the immediate community is definitely an issue and the trend is quite alarming. Is there anything that can be done?

2017 Count - 41.9% participation (mayor) - 5519 votes cast - 93 rejected ballots - 13,409 eligible voters (Full 2017 Results)
2013 Count - 46.6% participation (mayor) - 5975 votes cast - 139 rejected ballots - 13,114 eligible voters
(Full 2013 Results)
2009 Count - 49.6% participation (mayor) - 6292 votes cast - 132 rejected ballots - 12,946 eligible voters
(Full 2009 Results)

2005 Count - 52.0% participation (mayor) - 6644 votes cast - 12,818 eligible voters

Live Deux-Montagnes Election Results
I will posting election results in real time as they arrive at city hall. In the past years, this has meant that the results are posted here before the central Quebec site. Not sure if this year will be the same however you can check both to see which are up-to-date earlier. My page should reload automatically every 60 seconds so you shouldn't have to refresh your screen. The polls close at 8:00pm on Sunday. During the last election, the first results did not come in before 8:45 or so. That's when they start trickling in slowly. To access the results you can click here or use the election page link above.

Catholic Women's League Christmas Bazaar and Supper
The C.W.L. will hold its Christmas bazaar and supper on Friday November 17th at the Holy Family Parish Hall. The bazaar doors open at 4:00pm and there will be one sitting at 6:00pm for a turkey supper. The bazaar will be open until 7:30pm. The cost is $15 for adults and $6 for children under 13. No supper tickets will be sold at the door. Please click here for ticket contact info.

Student Fundraiser Spaghetti Dinner
Students from our local English High School (guess where) are having a fundraiser to help them with their trip to Europe. It's a spaghetti dinner to be held of Saturday November 18 at 5:30. The location is the Veterans' Hall at 141 Grand Moulin. There will be live music and door prizes. Tickets are $15 and $7.50 for children under 10. Tickets will be sold in advance only and the deadline for tickets is Wednesday November 15th. For tickets call Rhonda, Laurie King or Linda Davis at 450-621-7830. Click here for poster.

4 Korners Events and Conferences
the 4 Korners Family Resource Centre has been holding a lot of special events and conferences. Coming soon is a Paint Nite fundraiser at the Heritage Social Club. You must register soon (October 27th) but it will be held on Thursday November 9th at 7:00pm. Click here for details. Also on November 6th from 10am to noon, there will be another free conference for caregivers. This session will be given by the Public Curator of Quebec. It is called 'Protection for Incapacitation'. It will answer questions on Protection Mandates and their use. Click here for details. Click here for the 4korners website.

October 22nd 1992 and 2002

25 years ago John David Goyetche, Dad left this earth on October 22nd. As I posted on Facebook, I can't believe that 25 have passed since then. It doesn't seem that long ago that we were discussing whether the Blue Jays could beat the Braves to take their first World Series banner. He didn't get to see them win as they won the final (game 6) on October 24th to clinch the title. I don't remember much of any of that series for obvious reasons and even though my dad was really an Expos fan, he was rooting for the Jays from his hospital room.

In this the year of municipal elections, I think a lot of my dad. Although we had only moved to Deux-Montagnes in 1964, John David became councillor for a few years as part of mayor Chuck Armitage's team. In 1970, he ran for mayor, won and served 4 years as our town's mayor. The line that French people would say to me was: 'ton pere est maire' which sounded like your father is a mother.

My Mom, Sylvia, was a very strong woman and bravely carried on with life without her 'Dave' for another 10 years, to the day. I was with her when she passed peacefully in the hospital. Although she didn't seem conscious during her last few hours, when I told her that it was been exactly 10 years since she had seen her loving husband, she seemed to let go and took her last breath.

I miss you both dearly and as your gravestone says. Together - Forever.

LTM Class of 2017 Bursary Recipients
On Friday October 20th, the graduation ceremonies were held for the Class of 2017. Among the many awards, bursaries and certificates handed out to outstanding students were the Paul Goyetche Visual Arts and Multi-Media bursary of $500 which went to Isabella Carpini-Flavien. This was the fifth year that this bursary was given to a student pursui
ng their studies in the arts. As of last year a second bursary was added called the 2mopaul Music bursary. This $250 prize was awarded to Mara De Figueiredo. Congratulations to these two as well as the entire Class of 2017 for their achievements.

In case you are not aware of the history of these awards, here is how it started. In 2013, I went to the Heritage Social Club under the pretence that I was to take some pictures of a group. Little did I know that the evening was actually a surprise from some of the various clubs and organizations that I had helped in some minor way in the past years. Many people chipped in some money to start a scholarship fund in my name. At first I thought, they want to give me money to go back to school but the idea was to give a promising student from my alma mater, L.T.M.H.S. (Class of 73). The initial amount collected was $730 which was enough for a little bit more than one year of the award. Eventually, people started donating to the fund and it grew enough to keep the bursary going for 5 years now and I was able to add another award for excellence in music. Over $4000 has been raised so far and $3000 has been awarded.
You can use the LTM emblem (above right) to see a list of donors and pictures of the past recipients and how you can add to the total.

Super Burger Opens This Thursday (October 19)

A new restaurant that will specialize in burgers, poutines and French fries is about to open at the corner of Oka road and 20th avenue (in the former Golden B-B-Q location). The entire building has been beautifully renovated and will now house the new Super Burger. It will feature many different types of burgers including some with chicken and probably a vegetarian option (don't quote me on that). It's a sit down restaurant although they will do take-out. As you will see by the decor, the theme is super heroes. A Captain America mural greets you as you enter. A large screen will be playing super hero movies when sports are not on. The grand opening is on Thursday October 19th at 11am. The projected hours are Tuesday to Sunday from 11am and closed on Mondays. Let's MORGA* by supporting our local businesses.

* Make Oka Road Great Again.

4 Korners - Activities

Halloween Craft night - Need decorations or parts of your costume for Halloween? No need to run to the store: join us for Halloween Craft Night at 4 Korners. It's free! Monday October 16th 6:30 to 7:30pm.

Family Movie Night - Bring your PJ's or Halloween costumes for a movie night. Popcorn provided it's free. Friday October 20th, 6:30pm
Register at 450-974-3940 or

Conference On Emergency Procedures for Seniors
The 4 Korners Resource Center is offering a presentation on emergency procedures for seniors: How to handle them. The lecture in on Wednesday October 18th at 10:00am. A reminder that the 4 Korners center is now at 200 Henri-Dunant. For more info, please call 450 974-3940.

Sound Life And 4 Korners Benefit Concert
On Friday October 13th, there will be a concert hosted by Sound Life and 4 Korners Family Resource Center to benefit the Sound Life Scholarship and 4 Korners activities. The event will feature live music from students and local musicians! Open to all ages. Admission is $10. Doors open at 7pm and the music starts at 7:30 at Veterans' Hall, 141 Chemin du Grand-Moulin, Deux-Montagnes. Food and drinks available on site. Tickets sold at the door. Bands featured are The Spilled Milk, The Living Proof and Street Spirit. Click here for the poster. To learn more about the Sound Life Scholarship, click here for their website.

Forever Young Theatre's New Show and Website

The Forever Young Theatre Company will be putting on a new show on Saturday October 28 at the Heritage Social Club. It's their own production called The Good Old Days Sing-Along Jamboree. For only $20, you be treated to an evening of music as well as a Chilli dinner. There will be live music from the Hensen-Clarke band. Tickets are available only in advance. Contact Hazel Wylie at  450 983-6811 or by email at for tickets.
The theatre group now has a new website information on upcoming and previous shows. Click here to visit the website.

Only 33 Days To Municipal Elections
For the last few years now, all municipal elections in Quebec occur in the same year (every 4 years) on the first Sunday of November. This means that our town is will be going to the polls in just 38 days with many people voting at the advance polls on October 25th which is only a month away. The official campaigning got underway last Friday September 22nd. In Two-Mountains, there are now 3 teams that vying for positions on the city council.
Denis Martin and all incumbents are running for re-election under the Deux-Montagnes Autrement banner. There are two other people that have formed full teams that will present their candidature in the upcoming election. Isabelle Daviau has formed a team (Équipe Isabelle Daviau Team) as well as Didier Maletto-Rock (Deux-Montagnes Citizen Movement). I have set up a page with links to all the party's website and FaceBook pages.
It can be accessed by clicking the Election button that will stay on top of this page throughout the campaign. On election night, I may provide live, up to the minute results as I did during the 2013 election.

Moulins Lafayette - A Nice Bakery On Oka Road
It's been open for a few months now. A full fledged bakery on the corner of Oka Road and 18th avenue. It serves continental style breakfasts from 7am and offers a nice choice of soup/salad/sandwich for lunch. I haven't tried the muffins yet, but they are great according to a few people. For lunch, I had a fancy chicken sandwich with a side of guinoa salad and topped off with a piece of apple/strawberry pie, delicious!. Of course, I couldn't leave without buying a pecan for later in the day. I definitely recommend that you give it a try and you may be hooked. Check out their FaceBook page here. Les Moulins Lafayette has 15 locations including Miami, Florida. Click here for a few pictures of the Oka road location.

Happy 'Hot' Gang Tournament A Blazing Success
On Sunday September 24th, 60 golfers braved the record heat to compete in Ron Kesseler's 34th annual Happy Gang Golf Tournament. The temperature reached 30ºC in the shade and everyone agreed that this felt like the hottest day of the summer although it was the 3rd day of autumn. Some of the scores were hot too as 2 teams came in at 8 under par for the 3-'man' Vegas. The two teams that tied for the low score were the Gilles Denis-Dan Tessier-Serge Leblanc and the Dan Kesseler-Scott Kesseler-D.J. Robertson teams. This was the hottest day for this tournament not only based on weather, but the grass ceiling was also shattered by the participation of three female participants. Donna Colmer, Christine Lefebvre and Cathy Rickert were warmly welcomed by the macho community. Next year's 35th edition has been confirmed and will likely be on Sunday September 23rd at the same course golf which was in amazing shape this year. Spread the word for next year's Happier Gang tournament now open to all. Click here for a few pictures.

Selection Deux-Montagnes Holding Open House
On Sunday September 24th between 1pm and 4pm, the new apartment/condo retirement complex is having an open house. In all honesty, I was not a big fan of the project at the onset but I got a tour today and I was impressed. Thanks to Shelley for showing me around so I could take a few pictures. From of the fantastic views from the upper floors to the airy common spaces both inside and on the waterfront, this is a very nice place. Floors 3 thru 7 contain 200 apartment units of various sizes while the 8th floor consists of 27 condo units, with only 3 left for sale. The ceilings on the condo floor are 9¾ feet high making feel very spacious. The full length balconies on every floor are also very nice especially with the beautiful weather we have been experiencing. Click here to go to the Selection Deux-Montagnes website. To take a look at some pictures I took, please click here.

You Say You Want A Revolution
With the beautiful weather in the past few weeks, we decided to take another jaunt into Montreal for fun. This time we had 2 events that we wanted to take in before they are gone. The first was Revolution, an exhibit at the Musée des Beaux-Art on Sherbrooke street. It closes October 9th so there wasn't much time left to go see it. It's a look back at the late 60's/early 70's and the changes that were happening. It's well worth the look and experience. The music will take you back and there is a great Woodstock giant projection room where you can lie on the floor in a bean bag and listen and enjoy excerpts from the 1969 mega concert. You can also see and hear the John Lennon/Yoko Ono bed-in at the Queen E in another small room. While you are at the museum there is another small exhibit called Love is Love which is interesting and bizarre. On Wednesday evenings from 5:00pm to 9:00pm the museum's 2 main exhibits are open for half the usual $23 admission. Click here for the museum's website.
Our second event of the evening was Expo67Live which is multimedia presentation from the National Film Board's archives. This show is only on for 13 evenings from September 18th to September 30th. There are 4 screenings per night starting at 8:00pm and the show last about 30 minutes. If you were at Expo 67, it's a nice glimpse at some of the things you experienced 50 years ago. If you are less than 55 years old, you will see what a world's fair looked like. These days, no country or city would attempt to hold such a massive event. Click here for details of the show which of part of MTL375.

Click here for a few of the pictures I took of the evening.

Open House at 4 Korners
Do you have a young child?
Are you searching for activities in the community?
Are you looking to volunteer?
Would you like to share YOUR ideas for activities or events?
Come to our open house and find out more about 4 Korners!
Wednesday September 20, 2017, 1 to 3 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m.
For more info call 450-974-3940 or or email
Location: 4 Korners, Community Hall, 200, rue Henri-Dunant Deux-Montagnes

14th Annual Giant Book Fair

The Deux-Montagnes Lions Club is having its 14th Annual Book Fair on Saturday and Sunday October 21st and 22nd, 2017 from 9am to 4 pm. This popular sale has been very successful in the past, with a wonderful assortment of books for your reading pleasure.
There will be approximately 25,000+ books, in good condition, all classified into categories both English and French, including a great choice in Children’s books.
Prices are as follows:  Pocket books are $0.50 and all hard covers and large soft covers will be sold for $1.50.  Children’s’ books are $0.25 each. There is also an Arts and Collectable table with reasonable prices as marked. There will be a Snack bar on premises.
All proceeds will be used in serving the communities of the whole region.
There will be a pre-sale on Friday October 20th from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm, only for handicapped individuals in need of wheelchairs, walkers and canes. Mothers with babies in strollers are also very welcome at that time.
Come out and support your Lions Club and show your appreciation for the work we do in your community
The location: The Veterans Hall (Legion) at 141 Grand Moulin, Deux-Montagnes. J7R 3C8. located off route 344
For information  please call Nancy Rupnik at 450-473-0298 or  Betty and Martin Hensen at 450-473-1932.

Important Meeting at Holy Family Church
Holy Family Parish will be holding a meeting on Sunday, October 1st, 2017 at 12:15 to discuss and reflect on the changes being considered by the St. Jerome Diocesan commission, which could include the closing of Holy Family Parish.
Although you do not have to register to attend, we will be preparing some material in advance, so if you know you are coming, it would be helpful if you let us know
Our contact info is 450 473 2163 and .

Women's Time Out Craft Fair
The Craft Fair is scheduled on Saturday October 28, from 10:00 to 3:00pm at Veterans Hall, 141 Grand Moulin, Deux-Montagnes. It is organized and sponsored by Women's Time Out.  Crafts, baked goods, chocolate will be available. A lunch room will also be featured.
The reserve a table to sell you own goods, please contact Jacqueline Wood at 450 473-1931.

Click here for pictures of the RDM Reunion - the Friday event at the Heritage Social Club and the Sunday Hurley's Brunch

Badminton Club Starts in October

Not many of you know, but there is a badminton club in Two-Mountains that has been in operation for over 60 years.  Every Tuesday of the school year, from 8pm to 10pm, these jolly players meet to play some friendly games.  Interested in joining the gang?  There are a few weeks left before the start of the season (beginning of October) and the club will be glad to have you join.  Come alone, with a friend or a spouse and have fun with us.  No need to be an expert, as long as you want to have fun, and have a racket, you will be welcomed.  We mix teams up all night so you will have different experiences of play.

Please contact us at and we will give you all the details.

34th Annual Happy Gang Golf Tournament
This year is the 34th edition of Ron Kesseler's Happy Gang tournament, at the Glendale Golf Course. Sunday, September 24th, 9:00am The price is $55.00 Golf/Cart, plus $25.00 in a pot for prize money. Back by popular demand this year, the first, second and third place teams, will receive will be a nominal prize of $120, $90 and $60 respectively. After those prizes are awarded, all teams names get put into a draw (including winners) and balance of the prize money will be luck of the draw! Prizes range from $240 to $90 meaning more than half of the teams will win something. This is to encourage more golfers to come out with hopes of making a few bucks no matter how well their team places. Ron's main goal is that his long running tournament remains something that all enjoy and look forward to every year. Last year, over 60 golfers participated and this year we would like more. The format is teams of 3 playing 'Vegas Style'. Groups of 6 go out and it's a great competition. You can enter your own team of 3 or if you are alone or with one other golfer, Ron will pair you up to make a team.
To register please contact Ron by sending an email to

Catholic's Women League Fundraiser Lobster and BBQ Supper
The CWL will be holding its annual lobster or BBQ supper on Saturday September 30 at Holy Family Hall. The price for 2 lobsters and all the trimmings is $35. If you're a landlubber, the cost for a steak and sausage with all its accompaniments is $25. It's bring your own wine/beer and lobster tools. This event is always sold out, so get your tickets early. You can call Lorna at 450 473-3404 or you can go to mass and buy them after mass. no tickets will be sold after September 24th. Click here for all the details.

Shamrocks Soccer Tournament This Weekend
The 48th annual Shamrocks soccer tournament will be taking place this weekend in Two-Mountains. The action starts on Friday September 1st and continues until Labour Day Monday. This year Josée Bélanger is the honorary tournament president. Josée was on Canada's soccer team that won bronze at the Rio Olympics in 2016. She plays for the Orlando Pride in the NWSL. For more info on the soccer tournament, click here for the Shamrocks' Website.

If You Are Wondering When Féré Street Will Open Again
The Oka Road construction in Two-Mountains seems to be progressing well but the work pales in comparison to the Féré bridge work. I thought they were only fixing the current bridge due to some damage from the spring flood. Looking at the picture below, taken yesterday, it looks like Féré street will be closed for a while....unless a little 'Féré' does her magic overnight. One hopes that the new structure will be lit up à la Coderre just in time for municipal elections.

Boomers Take Wyder Cup By One Match
In what proved to be a great balance of teams, Day 2 of the Wyder Cup competition showed it. Of the 27 points up for grabs 13½ points went to the boomers while the young-un's took 13½. If one match had gone the other way, the final result would be a tie. The highlight of the weekend didn't involve golf in the end. Mike Wall took the mic just before the start of supper and started talking about what he had witnessed in his 16 years of this competition including the 2 holes in one and the incredible double eagle of of few years ago. Then, to everyone's surprise, dropped on one knee and proposed to his friend Jessica Timpano. There weren't many dry eyes in the hall as Jessica ran up to him to accept. It was definitely a moment to remember for all times. Click the link on the left for the entire Wyder Cup or here to see pictures. A video can be seen clicking the picture above. It includes drone footage shot by Rich Stratton.

Boomers Have Slight Lead in Wyder Cup
The Boomers have a slight margin of 10 to 8 going into day two of competition as they took the last 3 points in the matches against the Gen-Xer's. That was a lot of good golf out there including 5 or 6 rounds in the low 70's. The rain looked like it would cancel all day one's competition however, the downpours stopped right on cue for the noon start. The entire round went on without any more rain. Click here for pictures of day 1 and a couple from a Thursday practice round at Mount Washington Resort.

Updates Are Back But...
Back from a week of golf and I am ready to update the site again however it's a slow news period in the area. There are a few updated pages with links on the left. LTHC Hockey's new schedule and fees are up-to-date, The Wyder Cup pages are updated with this weekend's parings and eventually results. The RDM (Campus) 1967 reunion is only 21 days away and details can be found on the website using the link on the left. My latest golf games are also posted under the link on top. I was having trouble with my golf tracking software which I have been using since 1998. With over 1500 games in the database, it started getting errors so I switched to an online tracking website. I doubt that this one will last 19 years but it's a little easier to work with and I can keep score on my cell phone during the rounds instead of after.

There are many things going on in Two Mountains in the way of construction and public work projects. Too many to keep track here so use the city site on top of this page to keep up.

No Updates .... Except
You won't see many updates this week on this page except if you like golf. I am on golf trip to the Muskokas with 3 hombres. If you want to see what is happening, click on the golf ball on top of this page for a daily wrap-up and pictures and videos from the tour. A full video will be available after the trip when the internet connection is better at home.

Vankleek Hill Porchfest - Saturday July 29

The town of Vankleek Hill will be holding its 3rd annual Porchfest on Saturday July 29th. This year, the entertainment starts at noon and ends at 5pm. Ex-Two-Mountaineer Ken Duff is one of the original organizers of this event. It's a fun afternoon. There are 11 porches and verandas that will feature over 25 performers, storytellers, dancers and even improv acts. There is no admission charge.

Visitors are encouraged to bring their own chairs and they should be prepared to move from location to location. The town is just south of Hawkesbury so it's just an hour away.

Click here for the Porchfest website with a schedule of all the entertainment.

Click Here for Some Pictures of the DMSA-Habs Alumni Softball Game

Being Local Tourists
For a couple of days this past month we have being going into town (Montreal that is) to see what is happening. Having worked in Montreal for over 40 years, going back in town doesn't seem very appealing after retirement but since Montreal is celebrating its 375 anniversary, we decided see what is happening. Also it's the 50th anniversary of Expo 67 so there are some interesting things going on for that. Yesterday, we decided to see what the fuss was about over the $50M (that 50 with 6 zeroes) River to Mountain promenade too. We walked the entire 3.8 kilometers (and more) and then stumbled into the Just for Laughs festivities for fun. Last week we went to the McCord museum to see the Expo 67 fashion exhibit (and more).
we discovered many things along the way. We got to take the new Metro cars called AZUR which are now working well. We strolled down Laurier avenue on our way to Milos Restaurant on park. In Old Montreal, we tried a great 'new' thing called an Affogato at a little café called CAF on Youville street in Old Montreal. It's not a new thing because it's been around in Italy for a long time but it was a treat. This little off the wall café across the street from the Pointe-à-Callière museum serves it with a scoop of homemade ice cream topped with an espresso. Ask Charles for the regular or one of his variations.
The other nice thing about going to town is the train. With all the construction going on everywhere you can relax and in barely 30 minutes you're there. It also helps to be able to enjoy some beverages and not have to drive back in the dark. We were supposed to go back tonight for the fireworks and seeing the JC bridge lit up but our plans changed a bit. We certainly will be back this summer as it seems that the weather may have realized that it was July not May. Click here to view some pictures we took along the way.

Update - On a beautiful summer night (finally), we headed back in town for a third time on Saturday July 22nd. It was a busy night in Montreal with the fireworks, JFL and loads of stuff going on in Old Montreal. We took the 6:25pm train into town and managed to catch the last train home at 12:15am. Yes, that's right, 12:15. You might ask yourself isn't the last train to 2mo at 12:30am? It is Monday to Friday, but someone, quite a while ago, decided to bring the last train on Saturdays and Sundays 15 minutes earlier. I guess someone wanted to be back home for last call. If anything, the last train should be later on Saturday nights. On the other hand, the Deux-Montagnes line still has the best schedule of the system by far so until the light rail system comes in, I won't complain about missing 15 minutes of 'action' in Montreal.
We walked through the streets of Montreal yesterday including my first time walking the entire stretch of the Gay Village on our way to get on the Jacques Cartier bridge for the fireworks. We then ended up in Old Montreal where the buildings come alive with large projections of Montreal history. We realized that we really have been taking the city for granted. Other than the occasional trips into town accompanying our out-of-town guests or going for our semi-annual dental appointments, we really haven't looked at Montreal through tourist eyes. Having travelled to many cities around the world, we realized that Montreal would be amongst the nicest places we have visited. In 35 minutes and for about $4.75 (if you have an Opus card), you can be in one of the great cities of the world. For another 5 bucks (for 24 hours), you can ride around on a Bixi in case the walking is too slow a pace for you.

Click Here for Daniel Messett's 50 Years of Friendship Birthday Ride

Panda's Reading Detectives Program

Reading Detectives is a literacy skill program intended for children in 3rd and 4th Grade who need extra help to improve their reading level. The program has been successfully running for 10 years now and we believe that there are 2 main reasons for that: 1) Emphasis on fun and interactive reading activities, 2) Focus on promoting social skills and building a sense of belonging within a group.

If you know children who could benefit from this program, please have their parents contact Marie-Josée Trudel to sign up as there are a few openings left. It is free for PANDA members (membership is only $10). Starting in September 9th, the sessions will be held on Mondays from 4pm to 6pm and on Saturdays from 9am to noon.

Please click here for all the information on the program and how to register.

Another Blast From the Past

Every once in a while someone sends me an old picture of a group of people, usually a sports team, from the days of yore. One of the challenges of getting these pictures is identifying the people in them. The practice of writing the names of the people in them was not wide spread at the time. So it would be nice to identify these lost souls. As these pictures come in I will post them in an album where people can leave a comment identifying people in the picture.

Click here to see one of the entries in the album which is the picture you see here.

Click here for pictures from Deux-Montagnes En Fete

Upcoming Golf Tournaments
There are 2 community golf tournaments coming up. The first is the Legion Br. 185 tournament on Saturday August 5 at Oka golf Course. For info, please call 450-472-6530 or head down to the legion anytime after 2pm.

The Lions Club is also holding a golf tournament on Saturday September 23rd also at Oka Golf Course. The proceeds of this year's tournament will go directly to the Lions Club as they had major losses in their hall during the flood. The Lions Club has done a lot in the community for over 40 years and this is the opportunity to give them something in return. The $85 fee includes a continental breakfast, golf with cart and a rib supper back at the Heritage Social Club as well as prizes. They are also looking for sponsors is case you do not want to play golf. A supper only option is also available at $25. All the details can be found here. You must register by August 31st and there is a limit of 72 golfers.

Harold Galley's 90th Big Birthday Bash


On Saturday July 8th, Harold Galley's family and friends got together to mark the milestone that he reached on Friday 7/7/17. It was a surprise party at the Legion. Even though Harold showed up a little early, his surprise was still evident as he realized the number of people that had come out to give their best wishes.

The lounge was well decorated and one of the highlights of the party was a great cake make by Liz Malcolm. It depicted a Canadian National locomotive with a working headlight.

Click here to view a couple of pictures of the event and the cake.



Deux-Montagnes En Fete 3rd Edition - Click here for the schedule of all the activities
The action gets started with the movie Monoa (in French) at Central park on Friday (July 14) night at dusk. In case of rain, it will move indoors at the Veterans hall at 9pm. Saturday (July 15) is the big day on Oka Road with Inflatable Games - Photobooth with free photo print - Pony carousel and mini farm - Climbing wall - Children's makeup - Car show and electric cars test - Street entertainment - Restaurants. It all starts at 2pm and wraps up at 11pm with headliner Marco Calliari.

Sunday is the Family Race day with a 10K - 5K - 1K and a tots' race. Registration is required and here is the link to register.

Public Meeting for Flood Victims - Monday July 10th
The Government of Quebec wishes to hear from individuals and organizations who would like to express their views on the government decree at the Public Consultation Meetings regarding the 2017 Spring Flood. Ministère des Affaires et de l’Occupation du territoire MAMOT is planning many public consultation meetings and in all Quebec regions for the flood victims. 
For the citizens of the Laurentians region, the consultation will take place
When:   Monday, July 10, 2017
Time:    7:00 pm
Where:  Olympia arena - 611, 20th Avenue, Deux-Montagnes, QC, J7R 6B2

R.D.M. (Campus) 50th Anniversary Reunion Only 60 Days Away
Plans for the 50th High School Reunion are well underway and September 8th is coming very soon. Registration officially closed on June30th but there are still a few openings left to join the party(ies). It's a 3 day affair with get-together on Friday September 8th at the Heritage Social Club. The main event is on Saturday September 9th at Le Nouvel Hotel & Spa, 1740 René Lévesque Boulevard West, Montreal. The third event is a brunch at Hurley Irish on Sunday September 10th. All the information is on the reunion website here or the link can be found on the left side of the page where it says R.D.m. Reunion 2017.

Canada Day Pictures
This year, Canada day was a little soggy although I heard the fireworks went on as scheduled even though the rain was present for most of the day. The reason I wasn't at Central Park for the July 1st festivities is that I was in Mont-Tremblant for a wedding. I did attend Thursday's concert and made it to the parade before heading up North. I took pictures of those activities. Click here to see pictures from this year's Canada Day and some from the past. I may have a video ready in a couple of days too if I get around to editing one.

A Little Delay in Updating My Site
I had set aside an evening of updating this website last night but a crow and vehicle changed my plans. Around 5pm, a murder of crows or an unkindness of ravens, as I never remember the difference, were 'playing' on the hydro pole across the street. One bird took a bad step and made a fatal connection. A loud bang was heard throughout the neighbourhood and 5 houses were instantly deprived of their electricity. Since my computer is on a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) I got to shutdown the computer properly but the internet was down since my router is not on a UPS. The power failure was supposed to be fixed within a couple of hours as Hydro-Quebec was on its way but a vehicle on Riviere Nord in St-Eustache decided to knock down 2 hydro poles creating a 911 emergency with live wires on the ground. There were over 400 houses without power in St-Eustache which meant that on a Sunday skeleton crew this would take priority over our 5 houses. Eleven hours later, our power was restored. Which means I only got to update this article in the morning before heading out for golf. The bird obviously didn't survive and judging on the time HQ spent on the pole they had to replace a lot of melted wires and probably the entire transformer. I should be able to update the website this evening unless an unkindness of ravens decides to mourn their deceased cousin by flocking on the wires once again.

Saturday July 22 - DMSA Charity Game vs. the Habs Alumni
The Deux Montagnes Softball Association will be hosting Les Anciens Canadiens de Montréal in a charity game at Central Park on 13th avenue. The Goal is to raise $10,000 for Sercan in memory of Jimmy Shields. Tickets are available in many different options that you can see here. They may be purchased by credit card by going to the DMSA website, click here. You can also obtain tickets by sending an email  to or text to Troy Ewenson at 514-707-5646 – Cash payment will be accepted. Gate opens at 1:00pm and games start at 3:00pm.

Please purchase your tickets in advance as they will do their best not to sell tickets at the gate.

Dan Klimas Drive for the Cure Raises Record Amount
On Thursday June 29, 2017, the rain stayed away from the tournament and a great day was had by all. The great part was that it raised $3000 more than last year and the final tally was an Amazing $107,000. This money goes directly to the MUCH Cancer Research foundation. Below is a picture of some of the Two-Mountains contingency. You can click here to see more pictures.

Paul Goyetche - Vic Black - Joey DiSalvo - Bill Black - Garold Nixon - Gary MacMillan - Frank Bouchard - Ron Potter - Ron Kesseler - Steve Lawrence - Stan Rose - Paddy Dore

Happy 30th Anniversary to Lynne and Rick Fougere

News from Ex-Two Mountaineer Daniel Messett
Once in a while I get emails from people that left Two-Mountains years ago and somehow have found my website and are happy to have a connection to where they 'grew up' (using that term loosely). It's nice to hear from those folks and it's really good if it's not to tell me about someone who has passed on.
Former homeboy Daniel Messett recently sent me some good news that I would like to share. On June 23rd, he celebrated his 65th birthday with his family and old time friends such as Two-Mountain resident Louie Morin (of 3rd avenue). He assisted Daniel on the launch of his new business in Castlegar, British Columbia called REST ASSURED Kootenay Floats. In the coming weeks, they will be joining yet another ex-pat, Robert 'Bob" Fournier who also recently turned 65 who lives in Revelstoke, B.C. They will be riding together just like they did 45 years ago on Oka Road but this this it will be in Nelson, B.C.
If you are interested, they will be posting updates on Facebook at the following link: REST ASSURED Kootenay Floats

Two-Mountains Canada Day Celebrations
The city of Two-Mountains will celebrate Canada's 150th birthday in style this year. The activities are not only scheduled for July 1st but the fun begins on Friday June 30th with a concert starting at 7:00pm that will feature 3 bands. The main stage is in Central Park on 13th avenue. The celebration will continue on July 1st with the parade starting at the Legion at 11:45am. The traditional singing of the national anthem at city hall at noon. This year's parade marshall is Darlene Gargul. Read more about Darlene in this post on the official Canada Day website by clicking
The parade will end at 12:45 in Central Park where the official opening ceremonies will be held. There is a huge line-up of bands for the entire days. This year, the headliner is April Wine's Jerry Mercer band featuring Kelly Watling, Gary Moffet, Doug Short, Breen Leboeuf. They will play from 10pm to midnight with a 15 minute interruption at 10:15 for a 150th birthday firework display.
Click here for the entire schedule of activities.

Kathleen Hansen - 1953-2017

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Kathleen Hansen, on June 12, 2017. Predeceased by her parents Gerald Hansen and Kathleen McCullough. Beloved wife of Jean Dufour. She will also be sadly missed by her sons Matthew (Savanah), Jonathan, Bernard (Vanessa) and Denis (Melissa), her grandson Liam, her brothers and sisters Dorothy (Roy), Marjorie (Raymond), Gerald (Antonia) and Patrick as well as her nieces, nephews, family and friends.
The family will receive condolences at : Complexe Funéraire Guay, 146, rue Saint-Louis,Saint-Eustache, Québec
on Thursday, June 15 from 7 to 9 p.m. and Friday at 9 a.m. Funeral service will be held on Friday, June 16 at 10:30 a.m. at Holy Family Parish thence to Deux-Montagnes Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donation to the Cancer Research Society would be appreciated.

Click here for her online obituary.

Hurley's Fundraiser a Huge Success
The final tally is in! Thanks to Bill Hurley of Hurley's Irish Pub for hosting a few nights of a flood victim fundraiser, we raised $12,069. The city of Two-Mountains said they would match our total and anything else coming into Depannage St-Agapit for the victims. There are many people to thank to make this happen. Obviously Bill Hurley who wanted to do something for his native town. His manager Rod Appleby, who made things happen. Rick Laurin from O'Hara's brewery who sponsored the beer that brought in a big amount of money. Scott Kesseler that got his company to donate the use of a bus for the main event and for being the auctioneer in the auction brought in almost $5000. Also thanks to the bands that donated their time to perform on Tuesday evening. Victor Labelle's PosaBlues, Gary Anthony and the Back River Band, Jesse Stone and Rahim Terouz provided us with a great night of entertainment. Mitch Melnick of TSN 690 Radio who promoted our fundraiser on the air. Finally thanks to everyone who participated in this event whether you gave items for the auction or bought an item during the auction or whether you just made a donation. There is still time to make a tax deductible donation of which 100% will go back to the flood victims many who haven't moved back into their residences. The Dépannage St-Agapit link is here.

Lions Club Hot Dog Sale

The Lions will be holding their annual hot dog sale at the IGA (on Oka Road) from Thursday June 15 through Sunday June 18. This year's sale is very important as the Lions lost most of their belongings due to the flood. They provide wheelchairs, walkers, crutches etc... for free to anyone that requests them. All of these were destroyed or contaminated during the flood that made its way all the way up to the Lions Den across from the swimming pool. Fortunately, their tents and cooking equipment we spared as they weren't in the basement at the time.

So drop in in the IGA parking lot starting next Thursday to give the Lions a hand at them lending a hand to the community. Click on the poster on the right to enlarge it.

Garage Sale At Community Center - Saturday June 10th
There will be a giant Garage Sale at 202 Henri Dunant with proceeds going to the flood victims. For $10, you can rent a table to sell your own stuff.
Dépannage St-Agapit is running the garage sale and is looking for volunteers to help arrange a sell items. The sale will start at 9am and finish at 3pm.

Neighbours Day

Also on June 10th is Neighbours Day in Two-Mountains. Each district will be holding a BBQ within their sectors. Food will be served compliments of the city. Bring your chairs if you like. In case of rain, the event will be cancelled.

In the Olympia district, it's from 10am to noon at Olympia park. In the Grand Moulin District, it's from 1pm to 4pm at Parc Edouard Beauchemin. In the du Lac district it's from Noon to 3pm at Armitage Park (in front of the 26th avenue filtration plant). When I get all times and locations, I will post them.


Flooding In Two-Mountains

Links: Pictures, Water Levels are now at 'normal' springtime levels: Lake of Two-Mountains   Milles-Iles River  All of Quebec

Update Saturday June 3rd - The Disaster Relief Center will remain open until June 18, 2017. The Red Cross will be present at the Royal Canadian Legion at 141 Grand-Moulin Road with the Recovery Assistance Program for Disaster Victims.
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday: 10 am to 6 pm

Update Monday May 29, 9:00am - This will be my last entry within this article. The recovery is far from over, however the flooding is now history as water levels are back to normal. There are still many people struggling as they are trying to get their lives back together. There are a few houses that will not recover and have to be rebuilt. People have lost a lot of personal belongings, some things cannot be replaced. Thankfully, no one was hurt or died in this disaster but the emotional impact for some of the victims may last for years. Although I was within inches of being one of the victims, as were many other residents of 'lower' Two-Mountains, I witnessed first hand how this has affected lives around me. I was pleasantly surprised and proud on how our community banded together to help each other. Neighbours that we would only wave to in passing became friends. As much as I was proud of the support everyone received from others, I was also a little disappointed in a few people's complacency. On my street, I could sometimes hear gawkers saying things like that's what you get for living on the water. Tell that to someone who lives near Oka Road and lost everything.

The water rose to historical highs caused by the perfect storm of a month of unprecedented rainfall combined waters at spring level from snow melt. Who knows if climate change is to blame and who knows whether this can happen again. We do have to make an effort to prevent it from doing so. There is definitely something to be done but it needs a concerted effort as we found out this spring. Water and gravity are powerful forces so you have to protect the entire shore as Ste-Marthe sur-le-lac did years ago. If you don't, water will find its way around to get you.

We will soon have the final tally from the Hurley's Irish Pub fundraiser. The reason we don't have it yet is that Bill Hurley continued the O'Hara's beer promotion beyond last Thursday. On the topic of fundraising, Pub Deux-Montagnes's hot-dog sale made $300 for flood victims.

Update May 25th, 4:30pm - Here is a video I made for the Hurley's Fundraiser. Also, Pub Deux-Montagnes (corner of Oka and 20th) is selling hot-dogs between 4pm and 6pm Thursday, Friday and Saturday with all the proceeds going to flood victims. Hurley's last benefit is tonight (Thursday) from 5 to 9pm with Brendan Nolan.

 Update May 24th, 8:30am - Wow! What a great night! The final tally from last night's fundraiser will be amazing. It will take a little while to calculate as we analyze all that happened during the auction. Scott Kesseler did an amazing job as auctioneer and the buyers did their best to get the prices way up there. There are a lot of people and companies to thank for this evening. Victor Labelle's PosaBlues kicked off the evening with a fine set of classics. No to be outdone, Garry Anthony and the Back River Band rocked the second set. Jesse Stone and the Rising few capped off the night with two great acoustic performances. A great time was had by all as witnessed by our Mayor Denis Martin. Thanks to Bill Hurley and manager Rod Appleby for making this all happen and Rick of O'Hara's Beer for providing the beverages. If you missed last night, don't forget that Wednesday and Thursday O'Hara's beer profits are also going to the Two-Mountains flood victims. Tonight is Bob Dylan tribute night and and Brendan Nolan is playing in the pub from 5 to 9 on Thursday. Hope to see you there. Take a look at the pictures from last night.

Update May 22nd - 4:00pm - I have to admit that I was a little disappointed in the Two-Mountains turn-out for today's clean up effort. There was a soccer team from Ste-Therese, there were a few people from other towns and a group called Islamic Relief brought in a great breakfast and lunch to feed the people working. We did have some Two-Mountains presence but the weather may have scared people away. In the end, we moved up all the sand bags from 9th to 12th avenue to the street where they can be picked up. Some were over 100 feet from the street so human chains were formed and wheelbarrows were working overtime. We managed to do the end of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th avenues which was a monumental task. Check out the pictures.

Click here to hear the TSN 690 piece with Mitch Melnick, Bill Hurley and I from Friday.

Update May 21st - 9pm - THE GREAT CLEANUP - From the city website:

There will be a large rally on Monday, May 22nd  at the Royal Canadian Legion, at 141 Grand-Moulin Road in Deux-Montagnes as of 9 am. If possible, bring your gloves and protective gear. Thank you in advance for your great support!
Don't let the bad weather deter you from coming out to help. The flood victims have seen a lot worse.

There are still a few places on the bus to Hurley's for Tuesday leaving at 4:45pm from the Legion - Contact me to reserve.

Update May 20th -9:00pm - The forms and instructions for claiming financial assistance from Securité Quebec are now updated with the changes announced on Wednesday. They are fully available in French and some have been translated in English but some of the links remain in French.
The emergency center is still open through the long weekend. I am really amazed to see the volunteers there day in and day out cooking serving up food for the victims. The picture below is a group from Laval called Humanity First that have come into Two-Mountains every day in the last week to help with the cleanup and have brought food. The women and children cleaned up the parks today. I was looking at the parks today and you wouldn't know that just 7 days ago they were entirely covered with water.

The city is slowly getting back on its feet but there is a lot of work ahead. Monday is the start of operation cleanup. Groups will be deployed to various areas to move sandbags to where they can get picked up. The city has done an amazing job in picking all the stuff that gets put out on the streets and from yards. Containers are being replaced constantly. More and more people are getting their hot water back and the weather is co-operating with sunny skies and cool temperatures (except last Wednesday and Thursday with high of 29ºC).

Hurley's Irish Pub Benefit Concerts Here is the official schedule and line-up for the nights at Hurley's Irish Pub on Crescent street. Click on the poster to enlarge it.

Tuesday night is the spaghetti dinner. The cover charge is $25 and it includes the meal and a pint of O'Hara's beer, a major sponsor of the 3 nights at the Pub. O'Hara's is a fine craft beer from Ireland that I 'sampled' last week. It's exclusively available at Hurley's. For every O'Hara's sold over the 3 nights, a portion will go to the fund. The dinner starts at 6:00pm and the the music will start at 7. Tuesday's lineup will feature Victor's Labelle band called Posa Blues. Two-Mountains own Back River Band, with Garry Anthony and Jim Brown will follow. Jesse Stone is the third act and The Rising Few will cap off the evening. Leeds Transit has kindly donated a bus and driver for the evening. It will be leaving at 4:45 sharp from the Legion (returning at ~11:00pm). There are only a few seats left on the bus, so contact me to reserve a spot. The train is another option. The 16:43 will get you there in plenty of time, with the 17:20 you might be a little late as it only gets in the station at 18:03.
Wednesday is Bob Dylan Tribute Bands night as they celebrate Robert Zimmerman's 76th birthday. Thursday, pub favourite, Brendan Nolan will be the entertainment for the evening. I will confirm the times for the Wednesday and Thursday events.

Update May 19th - 3:00pm - Great News from the Red Cross. The Red Cross have been so successful in the disaster relief fund raiser that they will give to each household directly affected by the flood. An amount of $600 will be deposited in your account after you apply for it. They will check the validity of the request and you will receive the money by electronic transfer within a few days. If you do not have an email address or that you don't do banking through your computer you can register by phone at 1-800-863-6582. You can register by using this link. It's not a scam, I checked it.
Also if you tune in this afternoon on TSN 690 with Mitch Melnick at 4:10, you may hear Bill Hurley and myself on air with the information regarding the huge fundraiser that will be held next week at Hurley's Irish Pub on Crescent St. The poster promoting the event will be ready soon and I will post it and on FaceBook.

Update May 19th 8:00am - The clean up continues. The Legion Emergency center is still going strong and I believe the Red Cross will be there through the weekend as many people are still out of their homes. Many people that have moved back in are there with limited resources. Some have electricity turned on for only the upper part of their houses and some not at all because there was damage to the brea . Many houses are without hot water as the water heaters floated breaking the pipes. Yesterday, the local Rona only had one hot water heater remaining in stock. Then there is the problem of getting a plumber to install it.
The city is still taking names of volunteers to help with the cleanup. Marie-Claude from the the city's 'Loisirs' department is co-ordinating and also the deployment of volunteers. She will be working through the long weekend and can be reached at 450-473-4700 (ext 201). Right now the priority still lies in emptying the houses of damaged contents and building materials. Once this has slowed down, a massive volunteer effort to clean yards of sandbags and debris will start in earnest on Monday or Tuesday.
Two thing I forgot to mention from Wednesday meeting. One important message from Service Canada is that if you missed or will be missing work due to the flood, you may be entitled Employment Insurance benefits without the normal restrictions for eligibility. I tried to find an entry for this on the Service Canada website but the woman at the meeting said to go to your local EI office to talk to someone there. The second message is that official documents, like a valid passport, were destroyed or lost in the flood, that you would get special consideration when trying to acquire a new ones. These two things were mentioned at Wednesday's meeting, so hopefully it wasn't just P.R. but the services behind will honour those 'promises'.

Update May 18th 0:00am - The Information session. Close to 700 people (check out the pictures) attended Wednesday's Information session in a hot St-Agapit church.. It started at 7:30 and lasted over 3 ½ hours. The first part was a few words from various people from the Mayor, our provincial MP health experts, a Hydro-Quebec and even a pest control expert. Then came a lengthy Q & A with some people showing a bit of frustration. The second part the representative from the Securité Publique of Quebec that explained the government program that will provide financial aid to the flood victims. That too was followed (and sometimes interrupted) by questions from concerned citizens. The whole compensation package is basically divided into two different stages. The first phase involves the preventive measures you may have taken to stop the flood (i.e. purchase of sand bags or building materials to prevent damage whether it worked or not). It also includes compensation for living out of your house or having to buy clothes because you were evacuated so fast that you left the house without clothes. The first phase also includes clean up efforts and decontamination. Basically to the point where you are able to start rebuilding. This money is available immediately and when you meet with Securité Publique agent you could potential received the cheque on the spot. There are 2 very important things in this phase. One) you must keep all the receipts such as rental of drying equipment or cleaning products. Two) take a lot of pictures of things you have to throw away, of damaged floors before they are removed and of the stack of things you have had to dispose of. For the lucky few who are insured, you must claim from your insurance company first and if they don't cover the damages, then the government help will kick in to make the shortcomings of the insurance coverage.
The second stage is the rebuilding and acquisition of items to replace the one destroyed ones. The Quebec government today announced that it had really improved its help package. The maximum claim has been raised to $200,000 from $159,000. They now pay up to 90% from 80%. Over the next 3 days (May 18-19-20), a government rep will available at the city hall from 9:00am. Due to the volume of people involved this may just be a preliminary one on one to answer questions and set up subsequent visits. The new higher limits and loosening of restrictions only was announced today and the changes are now being on the Securité Publique website but are not there yet. It might take a little longer for the English translation. Things are are covered are under 6 categories. At this link, you should be able to see them, however remember that the restrictions and claim have all been changed to reflect reality. If you go to the bottom of the page, the old version reads Dernière mise à jour : 24 juillet 2015 (Last update). When this changes to May 2017, the new rules will be there.

Update May 17th - 5:00am - The bumpy road ahead. The recovery effort is now in full swing and it is far from over. There are still many people that cannot get back into their houses. Many have no electricity as their electrical entries were damaged and electricians are hard to book. Many people's water heaters floated and broke the pipes leading to them which means no hot water until a new heater is installed and no water at all until a plumber caps the pipes. No one expected that a full water heater would float and could exert so much force to break the entry pipes. A water heater has lots of closed cell foam insulation that does not take in water so it floats and the upward force is too much for the pipes. For the same reason, a full freezer will even float.
Another 'problem' is that the vultures are out. The scrap metal dealers are working overtime as well as other people trying to salvage what the owners have deemed ruined. Beware of the flea markets this summer as they try to sell 'dried' goods. The other thing is that some people are venturing a little further from the street to pick up things. I know of one person that was drying their hip waders on the fence and someone took them. The police are doing the rounds all day and especially at night to discourage this kind of activity but we should all be vigilant and keep an eye out for suspicious ones. Of course, there are other kinds of vultures in the form of disaster clean up companies. Most are legitimate and there is definitely a need for them, but we will probably hear stories of the ones that took advantage of people. It is at this time that is important to talk to your neighbours and exchange stories about the work companies are doing. The cool dry weather we were having over the last few weeks actually was good as it delayed to growth of 'bad' things in damp houses. That cool air is slowly being replaced by very hot weather system for the next two days. A high of 28ºC on Thursday won't be welcomed by people hard at work. It cools down after that.
Mark Your Calendar - We are still working on the benefit event at Hurley's Irish Pub (Crescent St.). More details will be published soon, but the main event will occur on Tuesday May 23rd. It will probably be in the form of a spaghetti dinner followed by entertainment. We already have a local band booked, Jim Brown's Back River Band. Also, Victor Labelle who opened the Tartan Pub in Two-Mountains has a new band called Posa Blues that will be kicking off the evening. Stay tuned....

Update May 15th - 5:30pm - Now that the weekend the full recovery has really picked up. There are still many people pumping out their houses as some water is still overflowing the drainage system. Behind the the right field fence at the 13th avenue ball park there is still 4 feet in certain places. There are still at least 10 large carps in that area. We have saved over 100 and we will try to get the last ones tomorrow evening (Tuesday). If we don't act these fish will probably end up dying and not leaving a good smell behind. BTW make sure to click on the important note below as the venue for the Wednesday meeting has changed again. Don't forget to go to the City's website for info and procedures to follow for moving back into your homes.

NOTE - If you know of any flood victims that still need extra storage, there is one 5' by 5' (10 feet high) locker available at the Depotium. It is reserved for someone that ended up not needing it. I am cancelling the reservation tomorrow morning. Please contact me and I will tell you how to get it before I cancel it.

Update May 14th - 7:30pm - Happy Mother's Day - Today was operation Save The Fish. As levels went down in the streets, fields and backyards, many carp had made their way inland to spawn. There were also coi fish and goldfish in different areas. The smallest carp weighed about 15 pounds while some were up to 30 pounds according to some avid fishermen. Corey, Nico (I think that was the name), Glenn, Les Boyd and I did what we could to save some. I then called the fish guy of Two Mountains, Brad Rose who came a little later. Everybody had to take a break for things like Mother's day brunch but by the end of the day close to 2000 pounds of carp was returned to the lake. We found someone to take the invasive species like the coy and goldfish in their pond temporarily. The operation will have to continue tomorrow before the firemen pump out more water of AT LEAST 50 more fish will be stranded just beyond the right field fence at the ball park on 13th. The water is now over 3 feet deep making it almost impossible to catch them. If you decide to come help, bring a fishing net and be prepared to have it break on you if it's not designed to catch 25 pound fish. Some put up quite the fight as you will see in the videos. I also have added a section in my photo album called Views from a Kayak. These pictures have angles of places most people (including me) couldn't get to when the water was at its peak. I sold my canoe last April.

Update May 13th - 11:30 pm - Click here for an Important note on change of locale AGAIN for May 17th Meeting

Late this afternoon I had the opportunity to do the rounds with Fire Chief Ron Hunt to see the status of each of the areas where the major flooding occurred. His firefighters were busy in many places pumping water that would not naturally drain back. It was now a 'drain the swamp' operation. Despite having our owns pumps, neighbouring cities not affected by the floods such as Mirabel lent us pumps that we having been using for days. Today's efforts have made almost every street passable by vehicles. The extent of the damages to houses is quite remarkable and many people are busy tearing out the innards of their houses. Some of the large containers have have already been replaced as even the large ones were filled in one day. It puts a whole new meaning to 'spring' cleaning.
The road to recovery will be a long one and will last for months. The priority is to get all the water and humidity out of the buildings. I have heard that there may be houses that considered total losses and may have to be torn down. If you would like to volunteer to help our stricken people, every little bit would help. You can add your name to a list at the Legion and as help is needed for various jobs, big and small, you will be notified as things develop.
I have reorganized my picture album by day and will eventually have it week by week during the entire recovery process. Some people haven't been back to their homes while other have completely emptied their damaged belongings and have stripped the wall and floors and have started the drying process.

Update May 13th, 3:15pm - BREAKING NEWS - When it rains, it pours. Not literally as the rain they were predicting has just started but at around 2pm they had to evacuate the emergency center at the Legion. People noticed a 'rubbery' smell and smoke coming out of the vents in the hall. 911 was called immediately and 4 firetrucks were dispatched including 2 from St-Eustache. When I left the Legion people were waiting to get the OK to go back in. Soon after it started to rain so hopefully the people got back in before it started. Update on this - Everyone was let back in before the rain started. The problem was a defective sensor in one of the heating units on the roof. It has been turned off as the hall doesn't need all units to be on in this weather.

Update May 13th - 9:30 - The sun is still shining and the weather is finally warming up. It's probably a good thing that it's not too hot as the humidity might not be good for the dampness in houses. There is rain expected over the next few days but just in the form of showers, really not in the scheme of things. The city changed the flood victim meetings slightly. The meeting will be held at 7:30pm (not 5pm) on Wednesday the 17 of May. On May 18th, citizens who wish the meet a representative of the Ministry of Public Safety will be able to do so at the City Hall starting at 9:00am.
The water level in some areas has dropped more than 2 feet as some of the areas not draining back into the lake are being drained through the city drainage system. Boulevard du Lac is now clear of water except for the west end.

Update May 12th 5:40pm - The first day of heat and sunshine is really speeding up the lowering of the water level. Slowly some people are going back into their to assess the damages. There is a lot of work ahead and some people have lost everything. The meeting for the floods victims is now planned to 5:00pm on Wednesday May 17 at the city hall. Some new pictures tell the story. There are only 3 storage units available at Depotium. One 5 by 5 and two 10 by 20. You must present yourself there bet 8:30am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday. 

Update May 12th - 7:00am - Great news. The water has receded by over a foot as of now which should quiet down all the doomsday people who were talking about the BIG rain that was coming this weekend. In some places, the water level has dropped even more. I know that some people are relying on the information which I will try to keep up to date as much as possible, however the communication department is working hard to keep the city's website up to date and accurate and should be best place to get your news. Here is a letter from the mayor from yesterday to the all citizens.

I also have more good news. Last evening, I met with Bill Hurley, owner of Hurley's Irish Pub and his manager. Bill grew up in Two Mountains and wants to do something to help the victims of the flood of Two-Mountains. He is doing it in a big way. On Tuesday May 23rd - Wednesday May 24th and Thursday May 25th he will host benefit concerts in his downtown pub to raise money solely for the victims in Two Mountains. The money collected will be given to the Dépannage St-Agapit that has set up a relief fund, separate from their Christmas basket fund, specifically for victims of the flood in Two-Mountains. 100% of the money given to Dépannage St-Agapit's flood relief fund will stay in Two-Mountains and donations are fully tax-deductible. Here is the link their website's donation page. The page hasn't been updated yet to reflect that the money will go to the disaster relief fund but it should be soon.

Update May 11th - 11:30am - Just bumped into a fellow called Ricardo Ruiz of the company that runs the storage lockers on Industrial Blvd in St-Eustache. His company is offering four 4 weeks free storage for all flood victims. Contact him using the card displayed or go directly there and talk to manager George Atme and they will provide a locker for 4 weeks absolutely free of charge.

Update May 11th - 7:30am - I have to to say the city's public works department has been doing an outstanding job and have been going non-stop since the disaster started. Now that the worst of the flooding is over (22cm down from the crest), this morning the city has started placing dumpsters in various areas to help with the cleanup. It is important to note that these dumpsters are designed for trash and building materials. They must not be used for sandbags as the trucks could not pick them up if they were filled with sandbags. The city will pick up sandbags as they are no longer needed. They should be placed in an area where they do not hinder traffic or driveways. Do not place sandbags in front of dumpsters as it would make it impossible for pickup and replacement. If a dumpster does fill up, simply call public works and they will bring a replacement.
The only flood we should have to worry about now is the flood of donations that are being brought to the Legion. If you are one of the victims, please don't be shy in coming to get something at the Legion. If you are not, don't be shy to drop by to give a hand, even for just an hour or two.

Update May 10th - 8:00pm - Today the water levels are still dropping a little faster than predicted but not fast enough to provide any real difference. We have been warned that it will be a long process. Many people are worried about the rain coming in the next few days but as I said before, it might slow down the decrease of the water levels but the damage has been done and the chance of any rise in the levels is slim.
The emergency centre at the Legion has been overwhelmed with donations of food and clothing. Volunteers can't keep up with the sorting of what is coming in. Constantin Appliance Services brought in a large fridge and a freezer to handle the overload. The regular council meeting is taking place tomorrow (Thursday) at 7:30 at City Hall. The flooding will surely be a topic of conversation especially during question period. Also the general meeting for flood victims will be held at City Hall on Wednesday May 17 also at 7:30. The administration of the city as well as representatives from Securité Publique (Quebec) will be there to present the claiming process and answer any questions.
Late tomorrow, I will hopefully have an announcement to make that I may only be able to write about on Friday morning. Stay tuned.

Update May 9th - 8:00pm - Another day has passed, the lake level has gone down about 5cm (2 inches) in 24 hours which is what was predicted. At this rate, it will take a long time to get back to 'normal'. Sand bagging operations have virtually finished as there are plenty of extra sand bags in different parts of Two-Mountains. The rate of the decreasing water level can be slowed down by the opening of the Cornwall dam and the small amounts of rain in the forecast but experts say that lake and river levels have crested. I was told that the 100 year flood levels were breached in certain areas earlier this week and maps will have to be modified to reflect that fact.
Let me first say that I was one of the lucky ones having been spared any damage by having built high 'for the view' across the street to the lake. All but one house around ours has been evacuated. We feel deeply sad for our neighbours and are experiencing survivor's guilt.
By sheer luck, this morning I had a one on one conversation with Benoit Charette (our local member of parliament at the provincial level) in front of our house.  He has been present in the city throughout this ordeal and has observed the sheer devastation the town has experienced. He assured me that Deux-Montagnes will be well served by government financial help. One of his concerns was that the maximum compensation amount might not be enough for someone who has suffered a total loss of their home. He also had just been speaking to Lucie Charlebois (deputy minister of public health) and programs will be in place to deal with post-traumatic syndrome and mental issues that can arise from experiencing this kind of event.
I only took a few pictures today as I spent a few hours at the emergency center at the legion. The Red Cross has extended the initial 3 day lodging coverage for people that were evacuated and had nowhere to stay. An additional 5 days have been added. Of course, there will have to be other longer term arrangements that will have to be done as some people homes or apartments will be unliveable for months.
The city will be having a meeting next Wednesday May 17th for victims where they will be informed on what steps to take to start the ball rolling in claiming damages and other services. Currently, there are forms and information papers available at the Legion. They should be available in English shortly. For time and details on Wednesday's meeting, please refer to the city of Two-Mountains link at the top of this page labelled 2mo site.
As I was picking up logs and debris on the newly acquired shoreline of our lawn, I saw something that really struck me. I stopped trying to clean up and went back into the house to get my camera. You will see it in one of my latest pictures. I will separate my album in two sections. The second section will be titled to Road to Recovery. I can't wait to be able to add a picture in that section but it could be a little while until I can.

Not exactly fake news (*I had this part a bit mixed up last night but I rewatched the news clip) - We have been watching the francophone news channels as the coverage of the floods have been about 90% of their total news coverage. A reporter on LCN often does his reports from the sand bags on 14th avenue. He said that he was standing about 2 kilometres from the lake. Thanks to Google maps, I measured the distance he was from the lake directly behind him. It was at most 640 metres away from the lake. Reporting that there are floods is fine, but saying he was 2 kilometres away from the water was an alternative fact for sensationalism. Had he been 2 kilometres from the lake on 14th avenue, he would have been at RDM (the campus as we called it) and I wouldn't writing this story and most of Two Mountains would be homeless. * I apologize as I had to change the last paragraph this morning because I originally wrote that it was the woman reporter from LCN that I had seen in an earlier report but it was Maxime Landry of LCN.

A few times this week I have heard people and reporters mistakenly refer to the lake as the river and vice-versa. This brings me to a pet peeve I have had for years. Two-Mountains is on the Lake of the Two-Mountains AND on the Mille Iles River. For discussion purposes, most people that know this, use the train bridge or even the dam as a reference to where the lake turns into the river. In many conversations, I have heard people interchange the two. If you are talking to me about either one, I WILL correct you if you have it wrong. I apologize in advance as I may do it in an impolite way.

Update May 9th - 10:00am - Just went over to the Legion where the Red Cross and community volunteers are there to accept items. The Red Cross people are busy helping victims. Of course, donations to the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund would really help right now. The best way to do that is to use this link or call 1-800-418-1111 to do it over the phone.

For people that remember the flood of 1974, photographer John Edkins captured the event with some very good pictures, many of them from his canoe. Here is the link to his pictures. Thanks for sharing these John.

Update May 9th - 7:00am - Good news - The lake seems to have crested as it has gone down 2cm according to the official (Pointe-Calumet) water level of the from the public security site. From what I observe right across the street it could be a little more than 2 inches. The pumping was fully secured yesterday with the help of the Armed Forces. This is to quell any rumours to the contrary. There were many rumours going around during the last few days, many doom and gloom. Some root from old information, some are just like things you read on FaceBook and some are just people trying to make people panic. All the information that I have written in the last few days comes directly from reliable sources such as the mayor, the director general, the fire chief and senior firefighters that are in touch with reality. I will not post rumours. For example, there was a rumour that the dam at Carillon had cracked open which was obviously fear mongering. The other was that even as the water seemed to have crested, that it would go up another 2 or 3 feet. In fact, it did go up in some areas by 3 feet and more in some areas because of dike breaches. Had the lake actually risen 3 feet more than it did, it would have been disaster beyond belief everywhere in the area. Unless there is a major change in predicted precipitation and that the few dikes that have held up remain that way the water should have reached its peak. Until it recedes though there are still many people that will not be able to get back into the places. This could be weeks and only then can the recovery begin.
Later today, I am supposed to receive a list of things that could be useful to people that have been displaced and that are coming back to the Red Cross emergency center at the Legion. The Red Cross had coordinated the effort to looking for accommodation for 3 days. Those people are now coming back and the government is supposed to provide further services to those people. Honestly, I am not sure how this works but I will try to head down there to see what they need. 

A note to my visitors - Please understand that I will never post anything misleading, a fact that I have not verified or anything that does not come from a reliable source. The only exception could be on a certain day in April. I am committed to not being labelled Fake News.

Update May 8th 7:45pm - Today the Armed Forces finally arrived in Two-Mountains thanks to a plea from Mayor Denis Martin as they had been deployed elsewhere. Their main priority is keeping the Larry Cool pumping station working. If the pumping stops, the sewage from the entire city could back up putting the entire city without drainage. The water may have crested as it hasn't risen in the last 12 hours. The prediction is that it should go down starting Wednesday by approximately 5cm (2 inches) a day. Once that starts, the city will be able to start pumping water back into the drainage system into places where it slopes away from the lake. The waters near the lake should drain back into the lake naturally.
To add insult to injury, we had hail, sleet and snow at various time during the day. The temperature went down to 1ºC as predicted and will do the same tonight under clear skies. I spent most of the day at my neighbour's house. Overnight, one of his two water heaters even though they were full started to move sideways (floating) and eventually broke the pipes. The other water heater did the same thing and filled the basement with a mixture of lake and city water. No one could go into 6 feet of water to shutoff the water until someone came by with a 50,000 gallon an hour gas pump and got the level low enough to go shut off the main valve to the house. The water got down to within 8 inches of the floor so we got to see what floating floor does underwater. See the pictures and you will see what a typical basement in the flood zone looks like.

Update May 8 - 2:00am - Yesterday was a devastating day for many people in Two-Mountains as sandbags did not hold up to the chore. There are many people through Quebec that are flooded and 1200 Canadian troops have been deployed to help. A Canadian Red Cross centre has been set up at the Legion to find alternate accommodation for people that are evacuated or simply can't get back to their homes. City workers, firemen and police have been working non stop to try to control the flooding. In the last 24 hours, the lake has risen 14cm (just under 6 inches) and the river 13cm. It seems to have slowed its rise. Some sources are saying that it won't go down until Thursday and some rain is in the forecast for the next 7 days, not heavy rains but showers. Since the low for tonight and tomorrow is around 1ºC, snow flurries are a possibility. The current lake height is over 4½ feet above the 'minor' flood level. No one can remember the water being that high certainly since the dam has been erected in the late 70's. Everyone is holding their breath as every centimeter of rise means another house is likely to get hit. If you want to follow the rise and hopefully fall of the lake and river on the Quebec Public Security website, here are the links: The Lake at Pointe Calumet, the river, and the if you want to see all the rivers and lakes in Quebec that are on the watch list, click here. Look at the right most column for the latest number on the first two links.

May 7 8:00am - Update - The sands bags that were protecting the west end of LakeBreeze gave in at 6:32am within minutes the water rushed in and have forced the evacuation of at least 6 houses that were dry before the levee broke. Now both ends of Lakebreeze are closed to traffic. Residents of terrace Goyer street on the east end of Lakebreeze were told yesterday afternoon to move their car to Boulevard du Lac since the road would be closed as it filled with water. Ihave posted more pictures from this morning to the link above.

May 6 3:00pm - Update and more pictures. The waters of the lake are still rising and are predicted to go up by a foot as the Carillon dam was opened to relieve some of the pressure in its reservoir. The weather isn't cooperating either as more rain is expected and the wind will cause waves putting the sandbags to the test.

May 4, 5:00pm - Someone saw on FaceBook that Two-Mountains was not affected by the high water of Lake of Two Mountains and the Milles Iles river...WRONG! There are many houses that had to be evacuated in different sectors in 2MO. Houses along Lakebreeze and at the south end of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th were also being surrounded by flood waters. The rain in forecast doesn't bode well for the levels to subside either. With all the rain of April, the ground is already waterlogged so there not much run-off. It hasn't rained in the last 36 hours yet the water has gone up almost one foot on the lake.
I have taken a few pictures to illustrate the magnitude of some of the water affecting houses and streets. I will add more pictures if the situation worsens over the next few days. Click here to view the pictures.
Sorry about the broken link earlier, SmugMug changes links when you rename albums.

Back From Vacation
As you may have noticed by the pictures on the first screen, I was away for a while. We visited Portugal for 3 weeks and we are back. If you are interested, I kept a blog of our travels as usual. I also did the dreaded migration to SmugMug and now I have to relearn and recode a lot of stuff. The album for the Portugal trip was my first foray into the migration. I finally got it right after wrestling with it for a while. The rest of my pictures could takes weeks if not months to get right. Here is the link to the Portugal blog.

Save The Date - Saturday July 22 - DMSA Charity Game vs. the Habs Alumni
The Deux Montagnes Softball Association will be hosting Les Anciens Canadiens de Montréal in a charity game at Central Park on 13th avenue. The Goal is to raise $10,000 for Sercan in memory of Jimmy Shields. Tickets are available in many different options that you can see here. The may be purchased by credit card by going to the DMSA website, click here. You can also obtain tickets by sending an email  to or text to Troy Ewenson at 514-707-5646 – Cash payment will be accepted.

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